Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Preparedness Matters

Emergency Preparedness Fair
June 1, 2013

A preparedness fair is in the works!  We are gathering information, services, emergency providers, demo's and much more so we can share all of it with the whole community!  We'll have booths on 72-hr kits, water storage, gardening, elderly care, the cannery, LDS community services and much much more.  We hope you share the news and come and support our efforts in spreading the word about being prepared. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't cut the Cord!

Why old-fashioned phones still matter

I read an article in the March 2013 Readers Digest that reminded me of the usefulness of corded phones.  The article tells of the woes in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy when 25% of cell towers were down along much of the east coast and New Yorkers lined up at the few and far between payphones to reach family and friends. 

Here are some excellent reasons to keep a landline and a corded phone handy (even if it's just in your closet):

- When other forms of communication break down, landlines are dependable because they rely on underground copper wire, not electricity and radio waves. 

- When you call 9-1-1 from a cell phone, operators will not be able to immediately identify your location, as they can from a telephone. 

Even when the power is out, your landline will still work, so keep a corded phone tucked away for those storm emergencies.